Is it possible to have your eyes tested without going to the eye doctor? People use vision tests or refraction tests to measure their prescription for glasses. You can get vision screening using your computer and smartphone.
Research has shown that online vision tests can produce the same results as in-person tests. You should be aware of what an online vision screening can detect.
Online vision tests can come in handy in an emergency. If you lose or break your glasses while away from home, you can get a prescription. An online vision screening can check how sharp the vision is.
It can also discover if an individual has astigmatism or is sensitive to light. Astigmatism causes objects to appear stretched or blurry. An online vision screening can detect color-blindness, where an individual cannot see colors correctly.
Online vision screenings are for healthy adults between the ages of 18 and 39. The candidates need to have a current eyeglass prescription that is not too strong. A person who uses the screening must have an eye exam indicating the health of their eyes.
People with no risk of eye diseases, such as those without high blood pressure and diabetes, can take the test. Even if you qualify to get online vision screening, you still need to schedule regular eye exams.
You can complete an online vision screening in a few steps. You need a computer and adequate space to check your distance vision. You may also require a smartphone with the relevant app. You will need your current prescription glasses to take the test. After setting up an account, you will need to read the letters, numbers, and shapes displayed on your screen.
Use our online screening tool here to see if you need a comprehensive eye exam.
Eye doctors disagree on how accurate the online vision screening is. Not much research is available to determine their accuracy compared to in-office tests. If you take the test incorrectly, you will get inaccurate results.
Online vision screening is not for people with strong eyeglass prescriptions. Before embarking on online vision screening, you need to understand what to expect from the results.
Online vision screening is not a replacement for in-person testing. A comprehensive eye test does more than measure the patient's eye strength. In some cases, vision screening may not be able to detect astigmatism.
The online tests may be convenient, but they are not always the best way to determine the patient’s prescription. The online service should work together with personal visits to the eye doctor. Online vision screening should not replace eye exams. The screening cannot test for most eye conditions.
For more on what an online vision screening can detect, contact Kopolow & Girisgen Doctors of Optometry at our offices in Las Vegas, Nevada. You can call (702) 452-2020 or (702) 341-7254 today to schedule an appointment. You can also take our online vision screening test here.